Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Insanity Max:30 Week 1: Vegan Meal Plan

The meal planning system with Insanity Max:30 is BRILLIANT!!  It is laid out in an easy to read and apply manner.   In ordered to follow it perfectly you will have to purchase Beachbody's portion controlled containers that first made an appearance in The 21 Day Fix. Please don't look at this is just "another expense."  These containers have changed the entire way I prepare food for the BEST!  I remember first looking at the containers and being annoyed at how long I have gone with the misperception of what an actual portion size is (KNOWLEDGE IS POWER!!!!).

I happen to fall in the < 150lb category and because I follow a plant based diet I have replaced my protein container with gorbanzo beans a few times throughout the week.  It does narrow my protein options BUT I just cannot get down with tempeh just yet :( (YUCK)

Portion control is key to nutrition....I am a work in progress :)

For help with meal planning or reaching your health and fitness goals message me at www.facebook.com/fueledandfiredup.

Stay Fueled and Fired up,


Monday, January 26, 2015

Fueled: Vegan Escarole and Beans

With about three inches of snow on the ground and an estimated 20+ more to come I was in the mood for some comfort food.  I made this recipe a couple weeks ago, shared it in a challenge group and knew it would hit the spot.  I can tell you that this was the fastest "soup" I have ever put together that still had wonderful flavor.


- 2 tbs olive oil
- 2 cloves garlic ( 2 more wouldn't have hurt)
- 1lb. escarole (exactly one head for me)
- Salt
- 4c low sodium vegetable broth
- 1- 15 oz. can cannelloni beans , rinsed and drained.
- Red pepper flakes


In a large pot, heat garlic in olive oil, about 15 sec. Add escarole and sauté for about two minutes. Add a pinch of salt. Add the broth and beans. Cover and simmer until beans are warmed through. Season with salt and red pepper flakes.

Serve with crusty bread or for a carb friendly meal eat alone.

You can also add 8 oz of sauteed cremini mushrooms for a non-tradition spin to add great flavor and texture. 

This recipe is modified from a recipe I saw on Everyday Italian by Giada De Laurentiis who.....is tied with Jennifer Nettles for my all time biggest girl crush.

The original calls for a Parmesan cheese rind and chicken broth.

For those of you in the path of this eastern winter storm...stay warm, safe and fueled :)

Monday, September 9, 2013

Apple Pie Spiced Almond Butter

Fall is for so many reasons my favorite time of year.  It is around this time temperatures cool down giving me the excuse to pull out; jeans, blazers, and scarfs, my long runs seem so much more bearable with the cool breezes and sweet smells of fallen leaves, and I get to watch the Steelers play football curled up on my couch with friends in my sweats drinking new IPAs and pumpkin ales (may need to add some channels to get the games here in NY :( ).  But, ultimately I love this time of year because of all the fall flavors.....pumpkin spice lattes from Starbucks (pumpkin anything really), pink ribbon bagels from Panera Bread and apple pie!!!  

That's right, although I am conscious of the things I eat, I don't believe in denying myself the things that make me feel cozy inside. Inspired by fall flavors and my determination to eat clean whenever I have the chance, I am super excited to share a recipe I came up with for Apple Pie Spiced Almond Butter.  It is incredibly easy and I believe it will help satisfy your fall favorite cravings for apple pie and is 100% clean.

1 lb raw almonds
1 1/2 tsp apple pie spice
1/4 tsp sea salt
1 tbsp organic cold pressed flaxseed oil

1. Combine almonds, apple spice and sea salt in your food processor and let her rip.  Be patient. This step takes a little while and some attention, but don't worry your course almonds WILL have a butter consistency with time.  I suggest stopping the processor every once and a while to scrape down the sides.

2.  Once you see the texture change from dry fine almond pieces to a more buttery texture add the flax seed oil. This will help the process along and adds great omega- 3 fatty acids.  Blend until your butter has the texture you like.

3. Serve with your favorite type of apple cut into wedges or off the spoon!

I hope you love this as much as I do.  Feel free to give your comments or suggestions as to how you fuel your body or fire up your mind below.  Happy Fall!!!!

Monday, September 2, 2013

Clean Pineapple and Avocado Gazpacho

As summer comes to an end with the celebration of Labor day and the kiddos heading back to school, this sweet cool soup is the perfect way to use all your favorite fruits still in the fridge or leftover from today's picnic.

2 cups pineapple, diced
1 avocado, diced
Juice of 1 lime
1/2 tsp sea salt or to taste
1 handful cilantro (my addition)

Blend all ingredients, adding distilled water to thin the mixture to desired thickness.  If you don't mind the extra calories, I suggest substituting unsweetened almond milk for the water creating a creamier texture.  Served chilled. 

Besides tasting delicious,  one avocado fuels your body with vitamin A, C, E, K and B6. In addition, delivers a dose of potassium and the healthy fat acid, oleic acid.

* I think this base recipe would also serve well with other fruits and melons. 

This recipe was reinterpreted from the book Clean written by Alegandro Junger, M.D.

Friday, July 5, 2013

Coach Wooden's Definition of Success

After being introduced to John Wooden's Pyramid of Success by one of my life's mentors,  I decided to pick up the book, Wooden on Leadership, coauthored by John Wooden and Steve Jamison.  I was not disappointed!!  The book is full of Coach's observations during this time as UCLA's men's college basketball coach.  I was most impressed by the quality of character Wooden shared with all those he came in contact with.

This man's accomplishments speak volumes about his character.  In 41 years of coaching he has won 10 national championships (a record), including seven in a row (a record); 88 consecutive victories (a record); 38 straight tourney playoff wins (a record); 4 straight perfect seasons (a record) with only one losing year...his first!!!  It goes to show you failure is NOT final! Tomorrow is a new day, therefore hold your head high, give your best effort and enjoy the journey! 

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Chef D's Citrus and Fennel Salad

Before I became a nurse I was a server at the Capital Grille in Pittsburgh, PA, where I had the chance to work with and serve some of the most amazing food and wine enthusiasts.  It was there I found one of my life mentors, Chef Donato Coluccio.  He taught me that no dream is too big and with a good plan, hard work and supportive friends anything is possible.  (In addition, RevRun and Russell Simmons are worth following on twitter!)

He would often show his true style and love for food when cooking  FOR his staff.  I fell in love with this citrus and fennel salad the first time Chef d made it on the back line prep station!!!  I thought you might enjoy this salad during these hot summer months.  

I highly recommend you stop by his restaurant, Donato's, when you are in the Pittsburgh area.  Tell him "Diane" sent you :)  Donatosrestaurant.com

Chef Donato's Citrus and Fennel Salad

2 ripe oranges or grapefruits
1 fennel bulb
1 tsp cider vinegar
1 tsp olive oil ( this was not part of his recommendations, but I like it better)
salt and pepper

Slice fennel as thin as you can and toss with citrus segments (you can do this by yourself or Del Monte has them in a jar).  Toss with oil, vinegar, S&P. 

Fennel is high in vitamin C and other antioxidants that decrease inflammation and boost immune function.  Fennel is also a natural way to stimulate digestion and has diuretic properties that can reduce high blood pressure.

Sunday, June 30, 2013

"Nutella" and Berries

I have eaten over one hundred Sunday brunches at one of my favorite Pittsburgh restaurants, Crepe Parisienne. That means more than one hundred memory filled hours of girl talks, dates, delicious food and study time.  That also means, one hundred crepes filled with Nutella and berries have made it to my stomach!!! So you can imagine the distress I felt when I moved from Pittsburgh.  Inspired by one of my favorite past times, I created this much healthier Shakeology recipe;


1 scoop Chocolate Vegan Shakeology
1 cup unsweetened vanilla almond milk
1/2 cup fresh or frozen berries
1/2 tsp hazelnut extract

250 cal/ serving

For nutritional facts on this Shakeology product or to order your very own Shakeology, visit myshakeology.com/dijoswick.