Friday, July 5, 2013

Coach Wooden's Definition of Success

After being introduced to John Wooden's Pyramid of Success by one of my life's mentors,  I decided to pick up the book, Wooden on Leadership, coauthored by John Wooden and Steve Jamison.  I was not disappointed!!  The book is full of Coach's observations during this time as UCLA's men's college basketball coach.  I was most impressed by the quality of character Wooden shared with all those he came in contact with.

This man's accomplishments speak volumes about his character.  In 41 years of coaching he has won 10 national championships (a record), including seven in a row (a record); 88 consecutive victories (a record); 38 straight tourney playoff wins (a record); 4 straight perfect seasons (a record) with only one losing year...his first!!!  It goes to show you failure is NOT final! Tomorrow is a new day, therefore hold your head high, give your best effort and enjoy the journey! 

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